Media Interview & Reviews
Deceptive Forest (2022)
as Otafuku Dancer
AFDIF Arts Festival Highlight (2023)
Performed as Adelaide Sakura Troupe
AFDIF Arts Festival (2023)
For Media Promotion
OurTime ep. 553 Channel 44 Adelaide (2023)
Interview for AFDIF Arts Festival
Studio Insight Series 2 ep. 1 Dance Hub SA (2022)
For National Choreographers Project for Emerging Artists 2022
CAAP AL x SA (2023)
Interview for Artist Lab 2023 at OzAsia Festival and Contemporary Asian Australian Performance
'Mimi Yoshii as Connie was amazing as the pocket rocket who barely comes up to anyone’s knee. What she lacked in stature she certainly made up for in ability.'
A Chorus Line – The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of SA
By Jacqui Wall, The Theatre Association of South Australia
'Since, to a person, they are impeccably performed, the audience gets the rare and satisfying experience of genuinely caring about all those characters singled out on stage... – lithe Mimi Yoshii lamenting short stature as Connie.'
By Samela Harris, The Barefoot Review